If you’re brand new to the world of coding and web development, it makes sense to start by teaching yourself using all the free resources online. That way, you can discover what you like and don’t like before investing money into a certain coding language or set of courses.
Developers Institute offer you every 2 weeks to learn to Code for FREE.
Because Developers Institute think you have the right to know and to learn, we provide you after each meetup all the content of the training ! ALL FREE

You want to learn more before starting your coding bootcamp :
Where to learn to Code for Free online
1. Codecademy
Codecademy is where most people who are new to coding get their start, and its reputation is well-deserved. The platform revolves around interactive learning; that is, you read a little, type your code right into the browser, and see results immediately.
2. freeCodeCamp
Teaches coding first through an established curriculum (approx. 800 hours total), then by giving you hands-on experience working on projects for nonprofits. Perfect for learners who want practical, hands-on experience that will do some good and look impressive on a resume.
3. Khan Academy
Tons of subjects (as their front page says, “You can learn anything”), including many on computer programming. A few courses are offered for younger kids, too.
4. Code.org
Code.org provides learning materials specifically dedicated to increasing the rates of female and minority students entering computer science careers.
1. Git Immersion
A guided tour to teach you the basics of Git. Set preferences and create your own projects.
2. Try Git
An interactive series of challenges to learn about and experiment with Git.
1. HTML5 Dog
HTML beginner tutorial here. (They also offer intermediate and advanced HTML tutorials.) CSS tutorials are here.
2. Marksheet.io
For beginners. Broken down into four chapters: The web, HTML5, CSS3, and Sass. It’s like an online ebook, but under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. So you can adapt it for your needs.
3. Mozilla Developer Network
Free documentation on HTML and CSS (also JavaScript). Has tutorials for people of different levels, introductory to advanced.

1. JavaScript for Cats
It’s like a single-webpage book broken down into sections. Filled with non-cat gifs but has cat pics at the end. Just because. Lol.
2. NodeSchool
Has in-person workshops and events all over the world, as well as an active web presence.
3. Learn JS
Go through lessons, type in the window at the bottom. Created by the same folks who make learnpython.org.
4. Eloquent Javascript
Another online book, longer than most. it has big-tech financial backers like Mozilla and Hack Reactor.
5. Javascript.com
Created by Code School. Quick and perfect for absolute beginners. (Warning: JS in real life is a lot tougher.) 9 mini-lessons. At the end, it points you to more in-depth JS learning materials.
1. A Byte of Python
Free online book for beginners. Can choose to download as a PDF or spend money for a hard copy.
2. LearnPython.org
Interactive online tutorial to learn Python coding. Has a little window at the bottom where you can write your code as you go through the lessons.
3. Learn Python The Hard Way (Website)
The book costs money, but the website is free. Written by Zed Shaw. (I used the book when I first started learning.)